A Pest-Free New Year: Resolutions for Residential Pest Control

2022 has finally arrived, marking the end of the holidays. That doesn’t mean it’s too late to make a New Year’s resolution and set goals for your home. Like many people, you probably thought about more money, your health, or even some home improvements. But what about safeguarding your home from unwanted pests? 

Ensuring you and your family are protected from outdoor critters will make you stress less and enjoy time spent at home more. Here are some simple things you can do to keep your home pest-free in 2022 and beyond:

Keep Your Kitchen Clean 

When a pest enters your home, they are looking for three things: food, water, and shelter. To your dismay, they’ll find all three of these things by entering your kitchen. Regularly cleaning your kitchen after cooking and eating meals will help keep your home pest-free. 

Remember to remove leftover crumbs and wipe up any spills. Food kept in your pantry should be stored in airtight containers, including pet food. Get into a habit of sweeping your floors weekly to ensure there aren’t any missed food particles remaining on the floor.   

Seal Off Any Gaps 

Outdoor critters can find their way through the smallest gap to enter your home. You can prevent pests from entering your home by checking the interior and exterior walls to locate any open spaces. Look at your windows and screens and repair any holes you may find. 

Check the areas where utility pipes enter your home for any openings, too. They are well-known entry points for rodents. You can seal voids in your walls with caulk or call a Deland pest control expert for help. 

Maintain Your Yard 

Many people forget to prepare the outside of their homes for seasonal pest control. Piles of fallen leaves make a great hiding spot for rodents. To help prevent accumulation, clear your gutters of leaves and other debris. 

Consider installing gutter guards to help stop the clutter from forming, as well as prevent clogs and standing water. 

Rake any leaves on the ground and keep your firewood elevated. Firewood should also be stored at least 20 feet from your home. When you bring the wood inside, inspect it for signs of rodents. Trimming your bushes and tree branches away from your home can keep pests from entering your home through the attic. 

Be Proactive 

It is less expensive to schedule regular preventive pest services at your home than to wait until it’s too late. Most pest control companies know it is easier to prevent creatures from entering your home than to remove them once they’re inside. 

Look for Deland Pest Control Professionals 

Don’t let your goals for the new year overwhelm you. Instead, seek out the help of pest control companies in Deland. Qualified contractors can provide you with termite and pest control services to solve your critter problems. If you reach out today, they can help you figure out how to accomplish your pest control goals in 2022! 
