Are Daytona Homeowners Losing the Battle with Bed Bugs?

Bring in the Best Bed Bug Services in Volusia & Win the War!

The thought of tiny creatures crawling through your sheets and chewing on us while we sleep is enough to give anyone perpetual nightmares!

While the summer heat is scorching us here in Daytona Beach Florida, bed bugs are beginning to spread throughout our homes and properties here in Volusia County. Over the coming months these biting pests are notorious for setting up residence in a single location in your house and then proceed to infest every room in your home!

If you own a home or business in Daytona Beach, Port Orange, Ormond Beach or anywhere in Florida and have noticed the telltale signs of bed bugs, it would be wise to call in the professionals at All Star Pest Control to minimize the uncomfortable inconvenience on your family by using our powerful bed bug removal and prevention services.

How do Bed Bugs Get In and Where Do They Come From?

Bed bugs can enter our homes in a variety of ways and they often they hitch a ride on the clothes, luggage or items visitors bring in. Bed bugs are carried in by unsuspecting homeowners in our own stored items like bedding, and towels and they frequently come in from used clothing, bedding and mattresses and furniture purchased from garage and estate sales, thrift stores and consignment shops.

How to Spot Bed Bugs in Your Home or Business

If you wake up itching and scratching, you might assume that you have bed bugs, but these tiny creatures are exceedingly difficult to spot, so here are a few signs to look out for.

  • Any part of your body that contacts sheets, mattress, carpeting, or furniture infested by bed bugs could show tiny red bite marks, so check arms, legs, back, feet and ankles.
  • Look for small brown or red spots or smears on bedding and furniture where bed bugs are suspected.
  • If you look carefully, bed bugs will be visible under a mattress or in tiny cracks and crevices near infested areas
  • Bed bugs can leave a musty odor on your mattress and bedding

Matt Conrad, General Manager of All Star Pest Control, adds, “I have found oftentimes that almost all infestations and egg sites are more frequently under the box spring area than anywhere else. They hide there more often than anywhere else in the house because that is the safest spot closest to their food source.”

Why Using a Professional Service for Bed Bug Removal is Always the Best Option


While bed bugs thrive in the warm and humid temperatures here in Florida, they can’t tolerate extreme high heat, especially when used to effectively target them in the areas they live and hide. Removing all bed bugs from any infected area requires a meticulous and methodical approach, since any remaining bed bugs will continue to breed and spread, re-infesting the area all over again!


Using intense heat is a method to remove bed bugs has proven results, but any online search will return countless online retailers selling different Do-it-yourself remedies. The problem is many so-called solutions, like hot boxes and other devices or chemicals can be difficult to apply and several are dangerous, posing serious health and even accidental fire risks, when not used carefully.

By using an experienced and licensed professional with the proper training and expertise, a proper evaluation of your bed bug problem can be made and a customized program will be used to safely apply the necessary treatments to remove all the existing bed bugs in your home and critically important preventative measures and techniques will be taken to ensure these pesky pests don’t return!

Trying to remove bed bugs yourself is often more difficult and more expensive!

Obviously, it’s a given that it requires a lot more work and effort for any Volusia County property owner to use retail products to try and fix their bed bug problem, but many people still explore these options to try and save money. What most homeowners don’t realize is often attempting to handle the issue yourself can end up costing significantly more in wasted time and purchasing weak or ineffective products that simply don’t work.

Customized Bed Bug Prevention Services from All Star Pest Control

Don’t throw your hard-earned money away! Our bed bug experts at All Star Pest Control employ the most effective combination of spot heat treatment and vacuuming methods with powerful products able to kill bed bugs that may have a built up resistance to traditional chemicals used in the past. Our trained professionals will find and eradicate your bed bugs by accurately locating and diagnosing your particular problem and effectively applying corrective treatments to keep them from spreading and further contaminating your home, proactively protecting your property from the threat of re-infestation.